Thursday, May 27, 2010

kek kak ani untuk anak2nya..
1 sponge cake + strawberry filling + fresh cream and 1 lg death choco cake versi simple pya...
hope u like it....

Monday, May 17, 2010

Vanilla Sponge Cake with Blueberry Filling + fresh cream

Oder daripada kak syikin special for her son..peminat liverpool agaknya coz k.syikin request edible liverpool ngan pic anak 2nd oder k.syikin..before this she ordered for his 2nd son's was death choco cake..kali ni dia order vanilla sponge cake+blueberry filling+fc..sorry k.syikin..deco masih teruk..byk kena blajar lagi..hehehe

cake dah masuk fridge..maybe sok ptg baru k.syikin amik kot..rasa???tguuuuuu....harap2 menepati citarasa ye..

anyway..thanks 4 the order..

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

sponge cake with strawberry filling

kek yg di tempah oleh kak ani

specially for year 6 siddiq n those who celebrated birthday in JAN,FEB,MARCH,APR..

nothing special for them..just a homemade birthday cake..hehehehe tersilap amik gambar...tang HAPPY BIRTHDAY dah x dapatla nak baca tulisan...anyway!!! i luv u all....